Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jesus Christ Superstar

This trip requires you to purchase your own tickets and accommodations.

On August 27, 2010, we will be travelling to Stratford, Ontario to see the 2 p.m. performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar” in the Avon Theatre.  (Lyrics by Tim Rice; Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber) 

From the Stratford Festival’s website:
About the Musical
The zeal with which Christ’s followers are hailing him as the Son of God has become a source of dismay to his disciple Judas Iscariot. Fearing that this tide of religious fervour will provoke brutal repression by the occupying Romans, Judas must make his fateful choice between faith and betrayal.

The greatest story ever told – in a groundbreaking rock opera that reinvented musical theatre for the modern age.
Content Advisory
This production is suitable for ages 12 and up. The music may be amplified to a degree that some patrons might find uncomfortable.
Tickets range in price from $50 to $106, plus handling and taxes, and you can find out more at the Stratford Festival Website.
We will be staying at Arden Park Hotel.  The online registration is easy, or their phone number is 1 877 788-8818. If you wish to find alternate accommodations there are plenty of options at the Stratford Accommodations Website.
We’ll leave from the Tim Horton's at Manning Road and EC Row at 8.00 a.m., and will stop as required for restroom breaks, etc.  As the performance begins at 2 p.m., we will forego scheduling a formal lunch break. There are lots of evening dining options in Stratford so you can dine on your own or with the group (restaurant choice by consensus).  You may wish to attend another performance in the evening. Refer to the Festival Website for information offerings.